Introduction of Aeronautical Circular (AIC)

Aeronautical information circular (AIC) is an aeronautical information announcement containing information relating to flight safety, navigation, technology, administration and law in Vietnam. Not common enough with NOTAM or AIP.

Aeronautical information circular (AIC) is an aeronautical information announcement containing information relating to flight safety, navigation, technology, administration and law in Vietnam. Not common enough with NOTAM or AIP.

The Air Navigation Division would like to introduce an overview of aviation law:

- The AIC must be issued in accordance with ICAO standards as set forth in Convention 15 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation and ICAO Doc.8126 Aeronautical Information Service Guide.
- AIC was released including text and maps.
- The AIC of Vietnam consists of two types A and C
          + Type A for international distribution;

          + Type C for domestic release.

- Each AIC is sequentially numbered on a yearly basis. Years are represented by two digits, which are part of the AIC.
- Color to identify AIC is defined as blue.
- A valid AIC check is issued at the beginning of the year and issued as a regular AIC. This AIC lists all valid AICs and is issued A01 / year. Example: AIC A01 / 14
- AIC announces the important dates of the AIRAC (Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control) cycle for the year and is issued for A02 / year. Example: AIC A02/14
- The aviation news received but not enough time to draft the AIC will be announced in the appropriate form under the direction of the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam.