Achievements and Awards

Over the last few years, the Viet Nam Air Traffic Management Corporation (VATM), its’ members, units including many individuals and staff have received many honorable titles from the Government of Viet Nam and from international organizations.

          - Labor hero

          - Medal of Independence, Third class in 2006

          - Medal of Labor, First class in 2003

          - Medal of Labor, Second class in 1999

          - Medal of Labor, Third Class in 1995

In 2009, VATM received the Eagle Award from the Air Transport Association (IATA) for the most improved ANSP in the field of air navigation services provision. VATM - among 04 organizations, has demonstrated going beyond the strict and challenging criteria of the Eagle Award, to achieve high service standards and cost efficiency. VATM also responded effectively and innovatively to the needs of airline customers. The Award shows VATM’s deserved recognition from the prestigious aviation organization, IATA. By granting the award to VATM, IATA acknowledged the efforts and contributions VATM made to the integration of the aviation industry in the region and into the world. 

In 2015, a representative from VATM was the winner of the Global Safety Achievement Award 2015 delivered by CANSO, This award acknowledged VATM’s efforts during its SMS implementation in Viet Nam. 

In March 2017, The Ha Noi ATCC Complex was one of the 23 nominations for the HIS Jane’s Awards 2017 to celebrate the improvements in ATC and airspace management. After being assessed by a panel of judges from FAA, ICAO, Eurocontrol, IATA, IFATCA, HIS Jane’s and SESAR JU, The Ha Noi ATCC Complex was one of the four condidates for HIS Jane’s Awards’ final short list.
