1. AIS

AIS is a service established within the defined area of coverage responsible for the provision of aeronautical information and aeronautical data necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation.

AIS organization in Viet Nam

In Viet Nam, aeronautical information and aeronautical data are provided by the Viet Nam Aeronautical Information Center (VNAIC) – a subsidiary centre of Viet Nam Air Traffic Management Corporation (VATM) – under the control of Civil Aviation Authority of Viet Nam (CAAV).

In addition, Aerodrome AIS units which belong to regional air traffic services companies of VATM (except Tan Son Nhat AIS Unit which belongs to VNAIC) are in charge of providing pre-flight and post-flight information services at aerodromes all over the country.


AIS products

2Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)  is the basic aviation document intended primarily to satisfy international requirements for the exchange of permanent aeronautical information and long duration temporary changes essential for air navigation.

AIP Viet Nam is published in two volumes, in a loose-leaf form with bilingual text (English and Vietnamese). To facilitate the users, currently Viet Nam’s AIP is published in paper, CD-ROM format and via AIS website (www.vnaic.vn).


AIP Amendment (AIP AMDT) includes permanent changes to the information contained in the AIP.

Viet Nam AIP AMDTs are issued three times per year (at the end of March, July and November).



AIP Supplement (AIP SUP) mentions temporary changes to the information contained in the AIP which are published by means of special pages (yellow pages).




Aeronautical Information Circular (AIC) is a notice containing information that does not qualify for the origination of a NOTAM, for inclusion in the AIP or DAP, but which relates to flight safety, air navigation, technical, administrative or legislative matters. Viet Nam AICs are published by means of blue pages.


6-T%E1%BA%ADp%20tin%20t%E1%BB%A9c%20h%C3%A0ng%20kh%C3%B4ng%20s%C3%A2n%20bay%20n%E1%BB%99i%20%C4%91%E1%BB%8Ba%20%28DAP%29Domestic Airports Publication (DAP)  is the basic aviation document intended primarily to satisfy international requirements for the exchange of permanent aeronautical information and long duration temporary changes essential for air navigation relating to domestic airports of Viet Nam.

DAP Viet Nam is published in one volume, in a loose-leaf form with bilingual text (English and Vietnamese). To facilitate the users, currently Viet Nam’s DAP is published in paper and via AIS website (www.vnaic.vn).


7-T%E1%BA%ADp%20tu%20ch%E1%BB%89nh%20DAP%20%28DAP%20AMDT%29DAP Amendment (DAP AMDT) includes permanent changes to the information contained in the DAP. Viet Nam DAP AMDTs are issued three times per year (at the end of February, June and October).




DAP Supplement (DAP SUP) mentions temporary changes to the information contained in the DAP which are published by means of special pages (yellow pages).



6Notice To Airmen (NOTAM) is a notice distributed by means of telecommunication containing information concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with flight operations.


A checklist of valid NOTAM (NOTAM Checklist) is issued as a NOTAM over the Aeronautical Fixed Service (AFS) at intervals of not more than one month using the NOTAM Format.



A monthly printed plain-language list of valid NOTAM (NOTAM List) is prepared with a minimum of delay and forwarded by the most expeditious means to recipients of the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package.



Pre-flight Information Bulletin (PIB) is a presentation of current NOTAM information of operational significance, prepared prior to flight.



Aeronautical maps and charts are those maps and charts containing aeronautical information that is used by the crew, the relevant organization and personnel.


2. AIM

Nowadays, Aeronautical Information Services (AIS) must have transition to a broader concept - Aeronautical Information Management (AIM).

The biggest change in the transition to AIM will be the increased use of computer technology in the management of information, with an increased emphasis on the digital form of data that will drive all processes for the management of information.


Aeronautical Information Management (AIM)

The transition to AIM is a long roadmap initiated by ICAO in which 21 programs shall be conducted in three phases.


AIS – AIM transition roadmap

VNAIC and related parties are gradually conducting the AIM transition. However, there are such follow-up programs and projects that require huge investment as upgrading the automated AIS system based on Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM), establishing electronic terrain and obstacle database (eTOD), producing new products: electronic chart (eCHART), digital NOTAM (dNOTAM), integrated briefing (iPIB) including the ATFM and MET information, sharing aeronautical information and aeronautical data globally.

In brief, AIS Viet Nam creates the base and plays a critical role in conducting Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU) to ensure aviation safety and security.

