History of formation and development of Vietnam Air Traffic Management Corporation (Part III)



During this period, Vietnam Flight Management has participated in the implementation of very important tasks that are:

1. Join the struggle to regain control of the Ho Chi Minh FIR.

 The Flight Information Region (FIR) is the airspace that ICAO assigns member nations to take responsibility for the provision of air traffic and alert services to the international civil aviation community. The flight notice area may include the sovereign airspace of each country and non-assigned airspace. The Ho Chi Minh FIR prior to 1975 was called the Saigon Flight Information Zone, which was established at the 1959 Middle East - South East Air Transport Conference in Rome, including the sovereign sovereignty of national sovereignty and Airspace on the international maritime in the East Sea. In 1973, at the Asia / Pacific Regional Air Navigation Meeting (RAN1) meeting in Honolulu, the Saigon Flight Information Area had a small modification expanding to the south. And maintained until April 28, 1975. In April 1975, in the face of the fall of Saigon's Saigon regime, fearing the deadlock of air traffic in the region when South Vietnam was liberated, ICAO drew up an interim aerial plan. These include the establishment of support flights in the South China Sea and the division of the Saigon Flight Information Area into three interim responsibility areas and assigned to three Bangkok Long Distance Control Centers, Singapore, Hong Kong run; The rest of the Saigon notice area is operated by the Ho Chi Minh Highway Control Center. After the liberation of the South, in 1977, the State has advocated fighting for full control of Ho Chi Minh FIR.


Tan Son Nhat Light / Secondary Radar Station

At the Second Asia-Pacific Airspace Conference in 1983 (RAN-2) meeting in Singapore, we fought to preserve the status of interim responsibility areas in the South China Sea in the FIRF of Ho Chi Minh City by ICAO. established. We have to stay current because we have not been able to manage and operate the vast FIR area at sea yet, and some countries in the region intend to incorporate FIR part of Hanoi and One FIR FIRST with them. If so, we will lose control of most of the notified area in the South China Sea. After RAN2, we have more time to prepare for the struggle to regain control of Ho Chi Minh FIR. Recognizing the importance and urgency of the January 4, 1988 issue, the Council of Ministers issued Directive No. 05-CT on "Urgent tasks to regain control of the notification area. Ho Chi Minh". The directive also pointed out the responsibilities of the General Department of Aviation for the reception of Ho Chi Minh FIR. In execution of Directive 05, April 6, 1988, the General Department of Aviation submitted to the Council of Ministers the program to regain the management and operation of Ho Chi Minh FIR. The specific objectives of the program are: To modernize the upgrading and modernization of Ho Chi Minh City Long Distance Control Center, Tan Son Nhat and Da Nang Access Control Centers to receive management FIR HO CHI MINH CITY, while preparing for the FIR firing of Hanoi. Specifically, it covers the following six key areas required by ICAO: Air Traffic Control (ATS), Aeronautics (COM), Meteorology and Meteorology (AIS), Aviation Meteorology (MET) , Search and Rescue (SAR), Airport Services (AGA). By 1993, Vietnam Flight Management has strengthened, upgraded and modernized Hanoi Long Distance Control Center, Da Nang Access Control Center; Inaugurated and put into operation Ho Chi Minh Long Distance Control Center directly provides flight management services in Ho Chi Minh FIR; Signed contract with Thompson - CSF of France to supply the system of 5 most modern aviation monitoring radar stations in the world in Tan Son Nhat, Son Tra, Vung Chua to monitor flying activities. In the Ho Chi Minh flight information area; Finished and put into operation three VOR / DME navigation systems Tan Son Nhat, Phan Thiet, Phu Cat.


Participants to the 3rd Asia-Pacific Airspace Conference

In Bangkok in 1993

After a period of intensive upgrading of technical equipment, at the RAN-3 meeting in Bangkok in 1993, the Vietnamese delegation declared that six areas of ICAO require Vietnam to be fully and High quality. Conference concluded that Vietnam was fully qualified to control the Ho Chi Minh FIR. During the final inspection of the ICAO Technical Expert Group in 1994 at the Ho Chi Minh City Control Center, the six specialized areas of the Vietnam Civil Aviation Center provided the required international standards. . ICAO in Asia / Pacific and ICAO in Montreal decided to hand over control of the southern part of Ho Chi Minh FIR to Vietnam. At 00:00 International time on December 8, 1994, the reception ceremony of Vietnam was held solemnly on the same day in Hanoi capital.




Deputy Prime Minister Phan Van Khai at the 50th anniversary of the International Civil Aviation Organization

And received the Southern part of the Ho Chi Minh Flight Information Area, December 1994

Thus, during more than 18 years of continuous and persistent struggle, with the leadership of the Party, Government and Aviation Department, Vietnam Flight Management has excellently accomplished its historic mission of regaining control. Southern Ho Chi Minh FIR. On December 8, 1994, the history of the Vietnam aviation industry in general and the aviation industry in particular. It is a very important milestone in terms of economy, technology, security, national defense and politics and society. The reception of the Southern FIR in Ho Chi Minh confirmed the development of organization, labor and technological level of technical equipment. With this tremendous achievement, Vietnam Flight Management has been instrumental in the management of air traffic safety and security operations in the Asia Pacific region and enhancing the management and navigation of Vietnam. international arena. Receiving and managing the southern part of Ho Chi Minh FIR contributed to a phenomenal increase in air traffic control, bringing tremendous economic efficiency, annual revenue increased by nearly $ 100 million, and Has collected thousands of billions of dong annually.

2. Vietnam's comprehensive air traffic management and international air traffic integration since 1993.

On April 20, 1993, Minister of Transport Bui Danh Luu signed Decision No. 746-TCCB / LD changing the organization of the Vietnam Civil Aviation Management Company into the Civil Aviation Management Center Vietnam. Since this date, Vietnam Flight Management has officially separated from Vietnam Airlines Corporation into a non-business unit with revenues under the Vietnam Aviation Administration. The Civil Aviation Administration of Vietnam has the following units:
- Hanoi Flight Management Center
- Danang Flight Management Center
- Ho Chi Minh Flight Management Center
- Gia Lam Aviation Information Center.

Since its founding in 1993, the two major components of Vietnam's aviation sector are: Air Transport Operators, Vietnam Airlines Corporation, Vietnam Flight Management Corporation Separated as an independent unit. During its formation and development, the Corporation is an indispensable part of the aviation industry and is responsible for the provision of flight assurance services on civilian airports and troops. The nationwide, closely linked and closely associated with the two remaining sectors of the aviation industry of Vietnam, forming a solid contribution to the development of the national economy.

With the current organizational model, the Ministry of Transport shall exercise the rights and obligations of the owner towards the Corporation, the Aviation Administration of Vietnam shall perform the State management and direct the specialized branches in the field of security Assure flight operations for the Corporation.

In 1998, the management mechanism in the airline industry continued to innovate. On January 24, 1998, the Prime Minister signed the Decision No. 15-1998 / QDTTg to transform Vietnam Civil Aviation Control Center into a public-utility State enterprise. This is a change in the basic management mechanism for the Flight Management Center to be transformed into a public-utility State enterprise with more favorable conditions for investment in capital construction in the direction of modernization, In stabilizing and improving the welfare and ensuring the living standards for employees, it is an important precondition for the fast and sustainable management of the flight management center to fulfill the tasks of a management enterprise. Operate domestic and international flight operations to fly and fly through the airspace of executive management, as well as coordinate with other related defense units to efficiently manage the skies under their jurisdiction.

In 2008, to carry out the undertakings and policies of the Party and the State on the arrangement, renewal and development of State enterprises. On June 19, 2008, the Minister of Transport signed the Decision No. 1789 / QD-BGTVT establishing Vietnam Airlines Flight Management Corporation on the basis of the reorganization of Vietnam Civil Aviation Control Center . The corporation is under the management of the representative of the state owner, the Ministry of Transport, under the direct guidance of the Aviation Administration of Vietnam in providing flight assurance services and under the management of the Ministry of Transport. State agencies at all levels as prescribed by law.

Continue implementing the policy of renewal of state-owned enterprises, on 25/6/2010, the Ministry of Transport issued Decision No. 1754 / QD-BGTVT, Parent company - Vietnam Flight Management Corporation, directly under the Ministry of Transport, 100% owned by the State, organized and operating under the Enterprise Law. This is a strong transformation, creating momentum for the Corporation's development strategy. Transformed into a new model with extended business scope including both at home and abroad.

With the scale of providing services on a large area of ​​nearly 1.2 million square kilometers, the scope of operation spread in 30 provinces and cities of the country, directly provide services to ensure flight operations. 24 domestic flights and 36 international routes. Everyday there are thousands of inbound / outbound flights and transiting flights of more than 100 airlines in the world regularly operating 24/24 hours in the flight information area of ​​Vietnam. In the past years, by efforts, by determination, the staffs of the Corporation do not let unsafe happen within the scope of responsibility of the industry, the total production of flight control of continuous Growth at an average rate of 10% per year, reaching a high in the region. Particularly in 2015, for the first time in its history of development, the corporation has safely operated more than 600,000 flights a year.

In addition, serving specialized aircraft is one of the important political tasks. The corporation always works closely with the agencies inside and outside the industry applying for a flight permit to operate nearly 5,000 specialized flights to five continents safely and in accordance with the Convention. The internationalization of civil aviation contributes positively to the Party and State's success in the cause of foreign policy in the cause of renovation. With the highly-equipped surveillance radar system, the Corporation has monitored and tracked dozens of strange airborne aircraft that have infiltrated the airspace of Vietnam in a timely manner in synergy with other units. National defense and air traffic control agencies of the countries in the region, detecting and correcting non-plan flights or violating flight rules; To coordinate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the War Veterans Bureau in granting medical emergency permits, foreign military flights or extraordinary flights; To manage the activities of flying, searching, exploring and flying professionally ... contributing to maintaining the security and safety of the sovereignty over the heaven of the country.

The corporation works closely with the air traffic management agencies of neighboring countries to carry out some important missions, especially the redefinition of air routes and organization of the airspace. As follows: implementation of the RNP navigation system in the East Sea in 1996; Launching of a new flight system in Vietnam's flight information areas, including 15 domestic flights and 22 international routes in 2001, has optimized airspace management, carrier organization, flight planning. To be more flexible, to reduce congestion and delays in flight, to save fuel and time, to increase flight frequencies to meet the growth needs of the HK industry in the world; 2002 to 2008, implementing the ICAO decision to reduce high divisions to increase frequency; In 2007, 2008, applying the required navigation method, successful implementation of flight control method using data communication method between KSVKL and driver, applying automatic dependency monitoring in The area outside the secondary radar coverage of FIR HCM is currently implementing a feature-based navigation method. In 2014, the Corporation officially became a member of CANSO, an organization of global aviation service providers, representing the interests of the global air traffic management community. . In 2016, the Corporation introduced the North-South RNAV5 parallel navigation system, which has met the strong growth of air traffic, increased airflow capacity, optimized the flow. Not saved in Vietnam.

To meet the increasingly stringent requirements of flight management, with the investment in technology renewal and the upgrading of air navigation facilities, the Corporation invested in the procurement of site systems. Technical equipment, digital applications, satellite information to improve the quality of information services, navigation, monitoring.
