VATM signed contract with MITRE Corporation
In the context of increased domestic and regional aviation activity, VATM has been implementing strategic solutions to enhance the air navigation capacity. However, VATM also requires a master plan on ATFM for providing an integrated vision and a systematic roadmap for implementing ATFM operations in Viet Nam.
This sixteen (16) month project will develop an ATFM Master Plan for VATM to successfully plan, implement, and sustain ATFM in Viet Nam. The work will include to identify Viet Nam-specific ATFM related difficulties and challenges; Establish the Viet Nam ATFM vision and develop ATFM concept of operation in 2025 and beyond; Develop the roadmap for participation in the “Concept of Operations for a distributed multi-nodal ATFM” project in the Asia – Pacific region, as well as the roadmap for international integration of Viet Nam in the field of ATFM; Develop ATFM training plans and guidelines for ATFM human resources development in line with the ATFM implementation roadmap; Provide a representative ATFM system architecture, with technical and operational requirements as a basis for future investment in ATFM equipment and tools. These objectives will be accomplished through three major tasks, parts of which will be performed in Viet Nam.
Contract signing ceremony between VATM and MITRE
By the end of the project, VATM will have an established vision and strategy for achieving future ATFM operations, be prepared to implement ATFM operations and train their ATFM workforce, and have a plan to become a regional leader in ATFM operations through participation in the Asia Pacific distributed multi-nodal ATFM operations.
“Improved ATM in Viet Nam will provide increased safety and capacity for Viet Nam’s airlines, airports, and airspace; and allow the country to accommodate continued traffic growth.” said Mr. Doan Huu Gia, Director General of VATM. “As a result, Viet Nam will realize greater inter-region and intra-region economic activity. Also, availability of more efficient air transport will generate additional business activity and commerce, thereby creating new jobs.”